
25 tHiNGs bEfORe I'm 30!!

While 30 seems far away it will actually probably get to me before I know it.  I made my list probably back in January... I'm subbing today... So, I thought I'd share it... (there are in no order of importance). 

25 Things to do before I'm 30...
1. Buy a House.
2. Be a Mom.
3. Travel to Europe with my hubster.
4. Run a half Marathon
5. Candle Light Dinner at Home.
6. Make Breakfast in Bed for Brett.
7. Fly to Seattle and Drive the Coast to California.
8. Memorize a verse from every book of the Bible.
9. Make an Apple Pie from scratch.
10.  Learn to Surf.
11. Make a digital cookbook of all my favorite recipes.
12.  Take a Photography Class.
13. Get a new Camera.
14. Go Whale Watching.
15. See the Lion King in Las Vegas.
16. Spend a day at the Beach 9-5.
17. Throw a Halloween Party.
18. Ride my bike to the beach.
19. Hike a 14er.
20. Apply for Amazing Race.
21. Get a Massage.
22. Get my Masters.
23. Buy a New Car with no debt.
24. Be a member of the audience for a TV show.
25. Take a Missions Trip with Brett.
There are more than 25 things, but this is a good start for me.  Good Luck to me!!! 

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